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We are actively looking for opportunities to get involved in the reconstruction of Ukraine. We monitor current project calls and grants and then select suitable opportunities for our members from them.


We establish long-term contacts and relationships with prospective Ukrainian partners. We connect them with member companies so that they can jointly participate in the implementation of projects.


We cooperate with the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak Council of Exporters, individual ministries and other organizations that coordinate projects related to the reconstruction of Ukraine.


We map the interest of IT companies in our region to operate on the Ukrainian market, or implementation of development activities that could contribute to the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

Cooperation on the Restoration of Ukraine

Ongoing Projects

Digitization of the Ukrainian economy a

A joint project of ZAIT and the Kyiv High-tech cluster, which is aimed at the digitization of the Ukrainian economy. The task of the partners will be to identify needs, create a network of potential partners and solutions. In cooperation with INOVIA project specialists, we are currently preparing grant applications within the Visegrad+ program. In addition to the mentioned partners, we are working on identifying others from the Czech Republic and Poland.

Ukraine Flag

Partners for Ukraine

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Are you interested in more? Get in touch with us!


Iryna Rybovich, spolupracovníčka pre Ukrajinu

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