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Join ZA.IT

We are a community of people, organizations and IT companies who want to jointly contribute to the development of the IT industry and the Žilina region.

We are currently merging20 members, who employmore than 3000 people directly in the Žilina region.

Why join us?

By sharing know-how, cooperation and networking between members, we help accelerate innovation and development. We believe that networking is just as important for engineers as it is for business.

Do you want to connect your people with experts?

Are you looking for other ways to develop your business?

Do you need to attract experienced employees?

Do you want to support young people to study in your field?

Do you want to really get to know people and not just know about them?

Do you need to know more about yourself?

IT is a specific business and there is nothing better than having the opportunity to consult with experienced people who have solved similar issues and are willing to give advice.

Membership can open the way to networking with other members, allowing you to work together on big projects that you wouldn't be able to do otherwise. We also organize various networking events where you can present your activities to other companies or individuals. 

One company will not make such a fuss about the Žilina IT community as when we join together. We are continuously working to make our industry visible to people, to show that IT is a promising field that is worth studying and working in.

Vďaka dlhodobej spolupráci vieme efektívne komunikovať s univerzitami aj strednými školami, ktoré náš spoločný hlas vnímajú výrazne viac ako hlas jednej firmy. Každý rok u nich organizujeme akcie, na ktorých prezentujeme členov klastra ako perspektívnych zamestnávateľov. Týchto akcií sa zúčastní viac ako tisíc študentov ročne.

Life is not just about work. Several times a year we meet over a glass of good wine and debate not only about business, but about everything possible. Thanks to this, friendships and good relations were established between many members, which made it possible to start new collaborations and projects.

We actively promote members' activities through our marketing channels and events that we organize regularly. At the same time, we have a direct link to clusters operating in other regions or the organization.

What do you get by being a cluster member?

You will save time and money. You avoid dead ends, you gain contacts and relationships that you can rely on. 

Membership also brings:

An overview of what is happening among companies in your industry and region, what youthey will open the door to new collaborations.

Connection with owners, directors, managers, senior developers or other people from member companies.

Access to ourwide network of contacts, which allows connecting you and your people not only with other members of the cluster, but also with a wide network of experts from other regions or countries.

Directlyconnection to clusters operating in other regions or industries with which we regularly share experience.

Attendance atnetworking events, where you can present your activities to interesting companies or individuals. 

Active promotion of your activities and events among cluster members, schools and other organizations in the region. 

The possibility to organize educational, recruitment or other activities together with other members foractive support of the cluster - technical, marketing or even financial.

The possibility to use oursaudio-visual technology for the realization of livestreams or hybrid events.

More favorable conditions partnerships at technological events and activities that we organize every year.

Participation of you and your employees in informal events, which we organize every year, e.g. children's day, cleaning of the waterworks, sports days, Christmas punch and other activities.

How much does membership cost?

Full membership

Bronze - €1000/year

for companies with up to 50 people or with a turnover of up to 2.99 mil. €

Silver - €2000/year

for companies with 51-149 people or a turnover of 3-9.99 mil. €

Gold - €3000/year

for companies with more than 150 people or with a turnover of more than 10 mil. €

Aloneadministration, educational and non-profit organizations


Prices without VAT.

Associate membership

Startups and small companies - €500/year


Get in touch and we'll discuss membership together

In person or by phone.

We thank you! We will be in touch soon


Or directly fill out the application form and become a member

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