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We want to create

network of IT communities

in the Žilina region.


Because we want to stir things up in IT. To connect community organizers, help them increase their reach, find new members or partners.


At the same time, we want to support the creation of new IT communities. Actively help their founders by sharing best practices, providing premises, catering or other services. 

​We want to map the happenings in the communities and build their signpost. One place where anyone can find what is happening in IT in our region.
Image by ThrowBack Graphics
Image by ThrowBack Graphics

Who are we looking for?

  • Organizers of technical meetups

  • Active communities that others should know about

  • Or those who want to start new communities and need help


We are not only looking for professional associations or clubs. We will also support communities of Ajtaks who do various leisure activities, e.g. running or triathlon. In Kros, they have a club of beekeepers, to which anyone from another IT company can join.

We want to create a network of people organizing communities. Connect them so that they can (regularly) meet, exchange experiences  and share best practices. 

What do we offer?

We know from our own experience that every community needs reliable infrastructure and tools for its functioning. Whether it is a place for events, an online communication platform for members or event participants, refreshments or technical equipment. We have all this and will gladly provide it for the development of other IT communities.

Online community management platform

We offer organizers a versatile platform that allows them to create community pages to communicate with members or lock online content to members only. Thanks to the integrated payment gateway, you can collect entrance fees and finance community activities.


We will organize various networking events where you can present your community to interesting companies or individuals. You will also be placed in the community directory where new members can discover you.

Prepojenie so sponzormi

Naša široká sieť kontaktov umožňuje pomôcť so získavaním nových členov, pozývaním zaujímavých speakrov alebo získavaním grantov.

Livestream, sound system and technical equipment

We can come and record, livestream or record events. Thanks to the online platform, you can limit access to recordings or livestreams to community members only.

Promo communities

We can inform employees of the largest IT companies in the region or students (universities, colleges) about your events. At the same time, we have a direct connection to clusters operating in other regions or the organization .

Prenájom priestorov a catering

Disponujeme priestormi v Banka Žilina, ktoré môžeme ako ZAIT poskytnúť na komunitné akcie v podvečerných hodinách. K dispozícii sú aj parkovacie miesta a catering.

What next?

Get in touch with us

Write below or call Juraj Kavecky (0915839903). We will agree on a short online call,

in which takeoverwe have possibilities of cooperation.

Spread the word about us

By doing so, you will help stir up the IT communities in the Žilina region.

Thanks a lot, we'll be in touch.

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