Dual Education for IT Students
A unique method of education that connects theoretical knowledge from school with real practice. During their studies, students learn directly from experts in the field, thereby gaining not only technical knowledge, but also valuable practical experience.
Thanks to this, they learn to develop and use modern technologies in the way they work today in top companies.

Our goal is to prepare students so that they are immediately ready to join the work process after finishing high school
Dual education in IT fields is not only about acquiring technical skills, but also about developing important work habits and soft skills, which are essential for success in practice. Students learn teamwork, communication, how to work effectively within the SCRUM/Agile methodology and learn other important procedures.
This will give them a competitive advantage on the labor market and enable a smooth transition from the academic environment to practice.
CodeCraft IT academy
na SPŠ v Kysuckom Novom Meste
Aktuálne prevádzkujeme duálne vzdelávanie študentov Strednej priemyselnej školy informačných technológií v Kysuckom novom meste. Na výučbe sa aktívne podieľajú odborníci z firiem Siemens Mobility, Siemens Healthineers a Scheidt & Bachmann.

Start dual education at your school
As an agency, we can provide schools with a complete dual education solution. We will provide you with support in finding companies that will provide professional practice for your students.
We work with two dozen IT companies that are willing to participate in this system, and we will help you make this training model an important part of your training program.
If you are interested, contact us by e-mail at zait@zait.sk .

Educate your future employees
We offer companies the opportunity to become part of the dual education system and directly influence the education of future IT specialists.
You can easily implement the dual education model in schools near you, which will allow you to shape future employees exactly according to your needs.
We will help you create a model that will be effective and easily replicable. Thanks to this system, you will get young people who not only understand technology, but at the same time master the soft skills necessary for working in a team.
If you are interested, contact us by e-mail at zait@zait.sk .